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Creature Education & Conservation DFW

A passionate non-profit dedicated to the animals we care for, animal welfare advocacy, and to creating positive outcomes in species-specific ecosystems. We strive to produce verifiable proof that our efforts have a beneficial impact, both locally and abroad.


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Our Mission

Our mission is to create an animal sanctuary that ensures the utmost well-being and safety of the animals living at the sanctuary. We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care, while also actively participating in conservation efforts of critically endangered species. We strive to provide attentive and loving homes for wildlife that can’t be released into their native habitats, with an emphasis on endangered species, new-world primates, and other wildlife in need of a safe place to live a thriving life. Our conservation focus is currently on Cotton-Headed Tamarins, as the pet trade has negatively affected their population in the wild, which we plan to amend through rewilding of Cotton-Top Tamarins. Our sanctuary will be known as a place where the animals can thrive in naturalistic habitats, free from harm and exploitation, that makes a positive impact in animal conservation efforts abroad.

Tim & Cambrie

Our Vision

What Motivates Us

Wildlife conservation is a collective endeavor that requires the participation of individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide. We foster a sense of community by facilitating dialogue, organizing events, and encouraging collaboration. By bringing together people from all walks of life who share a common concern for endangered species, we aim to create a network of support that amplifies our impact and drives meaningful change through community engagement.

True conservation extends beyond individual actions; it also involves advocating for stronger policies and regulations that protect endangered species and their habitats. We will actively engage with policymakers, legal experts, and successful conservationists to promote evidence-based decision-making and advocate for the implementation of effective conservation strategies. By working together, we can influence policy changes that have far-reaching benefits for endangered species and their ecosystems.

In our pursuit of safeguarding endangered species, we are dedicated to educating, inspiring, and mobilizing an abundant community of passionate individuals. Through fostering education, inspiring action, building communities, and advocating for change, we believe in the power of collective efforts to create a future where endangered species thrive. Join us on this transformative journey and become a part of the movement to conserve and protect our planet's invaluable biodiversity.


About Us

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
- Chapter 64 of the Dao De Jing ascribed to Laozi

CECDFW is a 501c3 non-profit animal sanctuary committed to providing a forever home to various animals that may have been surrendered, abused, abandoned, neglected, or have become unmanageable; that cannot be rewilded for various reasons. All animals are treated with the love and high-quality care they deserve.

"There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or to accept responsibility for changing them." ​​

D. Waitley​


Help Secure A Future for Critically Endangered Cotton-Top Tamarins

We’re working on a variety of initiatives to help stabilize the Cotton Top Tamarin population's abroad. These actions will help conservation efforts abroad, with the work that is being done locally. 

Cotton Top Tamarins are one of the rarest primates in the world, with only 6,000 individuals left in the wild. They are critically endangered. Prior to 1976, over 40,000 cotton-top tamarins were caught and exported for the pet trade and biomedical research. They now face the danger of extinction, as a result of habitat destruction. They are only found in the lowland forest of northwestern Colombia; deforestation has reduced it down to 5% of its original size.

        "One of the traditional adages of conservation is to leave it be. But in an age when every corner of the globe is touched by human influence – a new generation of scientists and environmentalists is increasingly calling for more interventionist approaches to save wild animals and ecosystemsFor example, vaccinating wildlife when it’s safe and practical.

        There are people who say we shouldn’t touch nature, that we shouldn’t alter anything. But really, there are no pristine natural habitats left." 

- Tony Goldberg, a disease ecologist and veterinarian at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

It's 2023, this means that emphasis should be put on educating the public on finding ways to coexist with wildlife in urban settings, is essential.

Vervet Monkey

 Helping the Animals Who Call the Sanctuary Home

If you’d like to help out, there are multiple ways you can show support!
2. PayPal @cecdfw
3. Shop at Kroger: Login to your Kroger account at to select NK506 as your nonprofit of choice! By linking your Kroger card to NK506, Kroger donates to Creature Education & Conservation DFW to support their efforts to care for rescued animals every time you shop, at no cost to you. 
4. Shop at RiteAid: Select the following link and enter your name and phone number. By linking your RiteAid rewards, they donate to CECDFW every time you shop or fill a prescription, at no cost to
We genuinely can’t do this without your help. We’re grateful for your support of our animal sanctuary and conservation programs. Please share with your family and friends too, there’s no shortage of abused and neglected animals.

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